Our goal is to reiterate the notion that, when a girl of color has a safe space that doesn’t penalize her for who she is, a stronger sense of "self" and identity, support from positive peers and role models, and an environment of learning and expression, she’s been given the permission to be the “F.L.Y Girl” she was birthed to be; champions for herself, her school, her community, and especially for the girls that are coming behind her.
The F.L.Y. (Forever Loving Yourself) Girl program uses a positive youth development framework that promotes a safe environment that aids in alleviating the effects of racism and discrimination to risk factors in black girls and other girls of color.
Through impactful services that support ethnic identity, relationship building, community and school engagement, and self-advocacy, girls learn how to demonstrate higher-level thinking while pulling from their internal strength and powers to become high achievers in the schools and communities.